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Ring Wired Doorbell Plus

Rain Snow Cover for Ring Wired Doorbell Plus (old Doorbell Pro)

Rain Snow Cover for Ring Wired Doorbell Plus (old Doorbell Pro)

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price $25.00 USD Sale price $20.00 USD
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Doorbell Model

This is a cover that slides over the Ring WIred Doorbell Plus - Formerly called Doorbell Pro.   Does not fit the Ring WIred Doorbell Pros (formerly Ring Pro2).  

Compatiable with all mounts sold by   Does not include the doorbell.


NORMAL COLOR is Black, if you need to purchase a different color, there will be a color change request listing to change the color.

Color Change Request

Be sure to send me a picture of your doorbell and where you want to mount it. Message me by email at or text me at 833-326-6868.  

All my mounts have holes to allow for wire passthrough.

****While 3D printing provides really good production quality parts, there are often imperfections that may be found on the prints. These do not impair the function and rarely affect the aesthetics. But if your not happy with the quality, please text, email, or message me before leaving a review.

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