Swivel 35° Mount for Ring Wired Doorbell Plus Adjustable Swivel for Frontal Angle Adjustments
Swivel 35° Mount for Ring Wired Doorbell Plus Adjustable Swivel for Frontal Angle Adjustments
This mount is fully adjustable from 0-35 degrees. It is made to change the angle when the doorbell is near the door on the same wall. You can rotate the base horizontally, or use one of my adapters or baseplates to mount the doorbell to anything. We specialize in custom solutions, so please message us if you don’t see a solution that could work for you
This mount fits the Ring Wired Doorbell Plus formally Ring Pro like the one form Amazon below (doorbell not included with the mount):
Check out my install video here showing how one of my mounts are installed. https://youtu.be/2r_NqZk3dE0
The mount can adjust the view vertically and horizontally. It works very well on lapped siding, or any siding that is less than 1.8inches wide. The mount can also be used with adapters for smaller widths down to 1/2in. Some adds ons are pictured.
The Swivel joint has a hole to allow wires to pass through the back. Screws are included to mount and secure the perfect angle so It doesn’t move when bell is pressed.
Be sure to send me a picture of your doorbell and where you want to mount it. Message me by email at shop@doorbellmount.com or text me at 833-326-6868.
****The 90 degrees is relative, and it might be slightly less, but this listing provides a doorbell bracket that can work in the 90 degree position relative to the wall. Actual angle can vary depending on the position of the bracket .
****While 3D printing provides really good production quality parts, there are often imperfections that may be found on the prints. These do not impair the function and rarely affect the aesthetics. But if your not happy with the quality, please text, email, or message me before leaving a review.